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Dialogue on Dignity

oct. 23 2020

World Federation of Right to Die Societies invites you
to a Webinar for World Right to Die Day on November 2, 2020 at 18:00 CET.
World Federation of Right to Die Societies invites you to participate in an
online discussion with experts Dr. Stefanie Green (Canada), physician,
president of CAMAP and medical advisor on medical assistance in dying, and
Prof. Thaddeus Pope (USA), bioethicist and lawyer representing patient
rights. Amanda Ward (UK), chief executive of Friends at the End, will be
moderating and joining as a guest panelist is Pola Rapaport (USA) who
documented Paralympic athlete Marieke Vervoort’s fight for her life and
right to death. The event will take place on Monday, November 2nd at 18:00
CET. You can register at We are
hoping for an insightful discussion so please be sure to pose questions to
our experts in the chat function on the righthand side of your screen.

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